Tuesday, November 3, 2009


They are awaiting the pull of the trigger.

Deer, bears, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, and raccoons --they're all aware of your intent.

The tranquility, the solitude, and eventually (cross your fingers) the big kill leads people to wake up at the crack of dawn to go hunting.

"There's definitely a huge adrenaline rush when you see an animal that you're allowed to shoot," says Andrew Cochran, a freshman majoring in Psychology. "A lot of people that don't hunt think it's cold-blooded, but it's to be with people and to be in peace."

Cochran has been hunting for six years. He's gotten a 120-pound deer and a 532-pound moose, which he says was huge. He especially enjoys the time he hunts because he shares the experience with his family - most often with his dad.

Ethan Mitchell, who is a freshman majoring in English, said that he enjoys hunting because it gives him time to get away and think.

"It is a tradition in my family," he says. "My father hunts, as did his father, and his father and so on." Mitchell says that as soon as his father felt that he was old enough, he took him through the required steps to get his licence, and took him hunting. He's been doing it ever since.

"The backwoods of Vermont is one of the best places to find relaxation," Mitchell said. "Then of course, there is the thrill of the hunt, the smell of the cold crisp wind. I love it all." He is looking forward to exploring new northeast VT hunting territory this year, including Victory State Forest.

It's not difficult to get involved in hunting. It costs $20.00 to get a licence for the season if you are a resident of Vermont, and $90.00 if you are not a resident. A hunter safety course is required before a first licence can be obtained.

Sept. 1 - Nov. 19 -- Black Bear Hunting

Nov. 14 - Nov. 29 --Rifle Deer Hunting

Dec. 5 - Dec. 13 -- Muzzleloader Deer and Second Split Bow and Arrow Deer Hunting

Oct. 10 - Dec. 31 -- Raccoon Hunting

Oct. 24 - Feb. 14 -- Red and Gray Fox Hunting

Sept. 1 - Dec. 31 -- Gray Squirrel Hunting

Sept. 26 - Dec 31 -- Ruffled Grouse Hunting

Sept. 26 - March 14 -- Hare and Rabbit Hunting

Oct. 8 - Nov. 6 -- Woodcock Hunting

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